A clockwork orange, seemed to be an awful barbaric movie, but it seems that this is way society is headed. We no longer want to take the slow and steady approach, keeping Alex in prison for 14 years. We all want the quick fix, 2 weeks of the treatment.
The treatment provided to Alex is an example of classical conditioning, in which his unconditional stimulus, the shot he receives, causes him to become sick. This sickness, in turn makes him associate the conditional stimuli, which are terrible scenes of rape and violence, with dry heaving and sickness. This concept of being able to control people and their morals is similar to the box office hit Surrogates. In this movie people can control a surrogate person and lead the life they’ve always wanted to from a chair in their home. Of course as we learned in A Clockwork Orange attempting to control people and their morals can remove the human characteristics, Alex becomes what would
It is also interesting that the scientists in the movie were willing to completely brainwash Alex. He was not actually a more or less moral person he just now became sick when he tried to do something immoral. He was reformed physically not ethically. Is this the way society is headed? It seems we will do anything to get the desired result no matter what bridge we have to cross to get there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwTJ7mCcFoYCreated Years Apart these two movies both discuss the removal of human characteristics from the human race.
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