"Emotional Intelligence may be the best predictor of success in life, redefining what it means to be smart."-Time Magazine
Daniel Goleman, writer and psychologist thinks that it is not how smart a person is (IQ), but perhaps their emotional intelligence that matters the most. Emotional intelligence makes people highly effective no matter what they do. Those who are high on emotional intelligence often emerge into leadership roles.
Important aspects of emotional intelligence are understanding self-goals and intentions as well as others feelings and emotions, holding a very high internal standard of achievement, and being self confident. An individual who poses these characteristics is much more likely to succeed in life as well as the work place because they bring a certain passion and emotion to their work as they do in their personal lives.
According to research, a persons success at work is 80% dependent on emotional intelligence. Emotions play a key role in leadership, making a person more effective at decision-making, building stronger interpersonal relationships, dealing with stress, and enhancing creativity.
IQ is clearly not the only aspect that contributes to success in life, in order to be successful one must be able to identify and perceive emotions, both their own and others.

One specific Experiment Daniel Goleman spoke about that I found particularly interesting was a marshmallow experiment that tested kids ability to use self control. The kids were offered one marshmallow, and if they waited to eat it until the experimenter returned they would get a second. When these children were looked at again when they were graduating high school it was found that the ones who waited for the second marshmallow got along better with friends and scored an average of 210 points better on the SAT's.
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