It would be easy to assume that those who are most successful in life are those that have the highest IQ's, or the highest levels of intelligence. However, Daniel Goleman argues that IQ is only a part of what makes people succeed, but not necessarily the most important part. Factors of emotional intelligence that govern success (more-so than raw intellect does) include emotional mastery, motivation and empathy. IQ is a threshold ability which means that you must be smart enough to get into the game (i.e. college, grad school), but what allows you to become an emergent leader is your level of emotional intelligence. For example, self-mastery is a very important cause of success, and this is controlled in the basil ganglia, which observes every situation we do in life and decides what works and what does not. This tells us what is right or wrong as a gut feeling. Those who are successful have an active "social brain" which is wired to connect with the social brain of another personal and this reads everyone else's non-verbal cues. For all of these reasons, emotional intelligence plays a more significant role in determining one's success than raw intelligence, or IQ, alone. It is what causes one to stand out and emerge as a leader after entering the game.
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