When you think of the most successful people in the world, your mind might think of those with the highest IQ. IQ is a measure of one’s intelligence, which can be applied to one’s behavior and abilities. There are many theories of intelligence, including Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.

Having a high IQ proves that you have book smarts, but without emotional intelligence, how can you be socially coherent? In today's world, communications skills are more important than having the best GPA. According to Daniel Goleman, “emotions have the primary survival function”. It is the way you interact with others that helps to mold you. There are four demands of emotional intelligence or EQ: understanding your emotions, managing your emotions, perceiving your emotions, and using your emotions. The toddler in this clip is demonstrating that he understands emotions:
When looking at a pool of applicants for a job, Goleman says an employer should use competence modeling. This method doesn’t just the applicants on their IQ or test scores, but it compares them to others who held the job in the past. He says that emotional intelligence matters more than IQ in the workplace, and you can’t expect IQ alone to be highly effective at a job. People who have a higher EQ tend to be more self-driven and hold leadership roles. If you possess EQ, you will tend to lead a more successful life.
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