“It’s association, the oldest educational method in the world. And what really causes you to feel ill.”- Dr. Brodsky, A Clockwork Orange
The Ludovico treatment given to Alex in A Clockwork Orange is a great example of Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning in psychology. In this case, Alex receiving the injections from the nurse represents the unconditioned stimulus. Being tied up and forced to watch violent scenes of abuse and rape is the conditioned stimulus. As a result, Alex feels nauseous which is the conditioned response. After repeatedly going through this treatment, Alex begins to associate what he saw with what he felt. Here is the clip of the movie that demonstrates the behavior modification treatment and classical conditioning:
After released, Alex associates violence with nausea which initially limits his ability to be violent as he is unable to hit is parents’ new irritating son. Unfortunately, Alex’s conditioned response eventually becomes extinct after time. The treatment proves to be unsuccessful and Alex continues to murder again.
Here is another example of classical conditioning:
I believe he realized he was doomed the new him couldn't fit in his world any longer so he decided to make the deal with the government who bribed him and he gets a place in society and can fit in while he pulled the wool over their eyes because he's never been cured.